A poster for Drawn in Brooklyn with the cover image from Big Red Lollipop is on my local subway platform. For some reason I am enormously excited about this. I may not be in The New Yorker, but I'm on the subway!! I am also quite certain it is only a matter of time before the poster is defaced... I can't wait. I think fangs and a moustache would work nicely. Also, a few feet along was this companion piece. Note the recurring lollipop motif?

Nice! Heh.
Very sweet! F train can stop at the station? Wanna check it out!!
That's so cool! It's the perfect eye-catching image for a poster. I find your poster a bit more welcoming than the movie one ;)
lovely, and then some. yay.
That is *super* exciting!
that is awesome! would love to see an after-defacement photo as well.
I love your work!
wow...this is really fun! and ya i think a pair of ray ban glasses would be goofy too! lol. love the lolipop! :D
Love the poster. Glad you got a good photo. I passed it by without camera on the F train. CU on 11/13.
Hi Sophie..
I've noticed an other important thing in that photo... The written "CARROLL" behind you drawing! Carroll like Lewis Carroll, the father of Alice in Wonderland....It's more than a coincidence!congratulation for your wonderful works!!!
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