Sophie Blackall Illustration

Drawings and Snippets and Breaking News, (but more snippets than breaking news).

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Best American Non-Required Reading 2010

I am thrilled to my core to have my Missed Connections illustrations included in this year's Best American Non-Required Reading. Edited by Dave Eggers, with an introduction by David Sedaris and a cover by Maurice Sendak, I'm brushing pages with heroes. (If you know what I mean.) I have to go and lie down now.


McMGrad89 said...

Congrats! Well deserved.

Anonymous said...

That is so wonderful! Congrats and enjoy.

Selina Alko said...

That's so amazing, Sophie! What a great day.

Maia said...

Heroes, indeed! Sedaris, Sendak, Eggers...three from my top list of heroes right there. Brava!!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Well done Sophie. Soon you'll be too famous to know us.....

Janet Isserlis said...

yay. congratulations

Lauren Castillo said...

Oh wow, that's incredible! Congratulations Sophie!!

deed said...
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deed said...


Dean Grey said... neat, Sophie!
