Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Ring the Bell!

When anyone in the studio finishes a book, a bell is rung. We have yet to install a proper bell, so the bell in question is Sergio Ruzzier's bicycle bell. Which means that the conclusion of a book must occur on a day Sergio rides his bike to work. Fortunately he's undeterred by flurries.
The book I just finished illustrating is a middle grade novel, The 9 Lives of Alexander Baddenfield, written by John Bemelmans Marciano, who also shares our studio.
The 9 Lives of Alexander Baddenfield is a work of genius. I think you'll like it.
Here's a sneak preview of a couple of drawings.


  1. great illustrations...as usual!

  2. Congratulations Sophie!

  3. I haven't visited your blog in a while, but am always inspired when I do. Your work is so wonderful! Congratulations on finishing another book!

  4. You are so great in everything you do :)

  5. Lovely! Great drawings! :) :) Congrats on finishing your illustrations for this book! I look forward to checking it out for my boys once it hits the stores!

  6. I haven't visited your blog in a while, but am always inspired when I do. Your work is so wonderful! Congratulations on finishing another book!
