Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Launch of the Measles Exhibit in DC Today

In some parts of Africa, families don't name their children until the threat of measles has passed. The project, Let Every Child Have a Name is being launched in Washington DC today at a Measles and Rubella Initiative Partnership meeting at the National Headquarters of the American Red Cross. The exhibition will include illustrations based on my trip to the Democratic Republic of Congo, where I met families and communities devastated by measles. It can be seen online by visiting the Measles and Rubella Initiative, or by clicking on the image above.
The posters are designed by my friend Sara Gillingham, the multi-talented illustrator and designer, (also the design dynamo behind Ivy and Bean).
None of this would have been possible without the creative, innovative, passionate and untiring Christine McNab, the force behind the Measles and Rubella Initiative.
As I said in my previous post, I've been working on these illustrations most of the Summer and have the dark circles under my eyes and the callouses on my fingers to prove it. I am crossing my callousy fingers and hoping that these posters do their job; that people see them and learn about the story of measles, and even more importantly how simple it is to protect children against the disease, and how we can help save one child with one dollar. Or, you know, three children with three dollars. And how, collectively, we are really in sight of an end to measles worldwide, if we can get it together. The posters will show you how. And you can donate here! Hooray!


  1. Beautiful work, Sophie.
    x Wendy Gelsanliter

  2. Thanks for being you... and sharing your talents and time with others.You are an amazing lady and someday I hope to meet you and personally thank you.
    My mother had the German measles in her 4 to 6 weeks pregnancy with me. I have birth defects from that horrible disease. Defects that have made me feel like less of a person only half beauty, half smart, and never able to measure up to others. Warmth filled my heart as I read your blog and witness how many lives you have touched.
    I'm in the process of publishing a book on living with Congenital rubella syndrome. I hope my story gives some insight that touches others like you have touched mine.

  3. I'm a measles virologist working at Boston University - your artwork is both stunning and informative and highlights the need to eliminate the virus from global circulation. This will be hard and there are many challenges ahead, nonetheless much progress has been made in recent years by a swathe of international organizations. Communicating the value of vaccinology and the safety of vaccines to a wider audience is a noble task, well done and thank you!

    I’m not sure if your exhibit is open Saturday, I’ll be in DC late in October and will investigate!

    Paul Duprex @10queues

  4. Thank you all for your comments. Pamela, it's really interesting to hear your story. I'm learning more about Rubella and CRS and hoping to do some work related to those viruses too. Thank you for writing!
    And Paul, it's great to hear from you too. Thanks so much for YOUR work!

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  6. Thanks for being you... and sharing your talents and time with others.You are an amazing lady and someday I hope to meet you and personally thank you.
