Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Winter Crows

It was a recent honor to be invited to the ABA Winter Institute in Washington DC with Abrams Books to present The Crows of Pearblossom, Aldous Huxley's only book written for children, (which was an even greater honor to illustrate). I met hundreds of wonderfully passionate independent booksellers and librarians and we talked ourselves hoarse about crows and snakes and books and children.
I wanted to bring along a crow themed party favor for one of the events and enlisted the help of my lovely intern Kristen Kelly.
Here are the crows in formation, from mere lumps of sculpey to passerine beauties.

Special thanks to Kristen Kelly for her crow-making and photography assistance.


  1. How awesome are these party favors?!? I cannot wait for this book, Sophie! :)

  2. The party favors look amazing!! Looking forward to seeing this new book :)

  3. The favors are adorable. The book looks wonderful!

  4. You make the rest of us look like such lazy layabouts. I do love Aldous Huxley. Looking forward to the book....

  5. Can you tell me why only two crows have polka dot dresses on and the rest are naked? Are they for woman/or otherwise special party goers? Are they indicative of special characters in the book? Did you just get tired of painting (like I would have)?

  6. una belleza Sophie !!Magnific crows ...

  7. wow, being ur intern would be the best. love ur crows. great idea.
