Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Long Time, No Blog

I'm sorry it's been such a long time between drinks, and you might be forgiven for thinking I'd gone all lazy, but in fact I have been at my desk night and day for the last several weeks. I have a callous the size of Gibraltar on my middle finger to prove it, and two finished picture books. The first (above) is Edwin Speaks Up, written by April Stevens for Schwartz and Wade. It has the two things I'm terrified of drawing: cars and supermarkets. The story is hilarious and despite my illustraphobia where cars and aisles of groceries are concerned, I had so much fun with it. And those are ferrets. Not dogs. Or racoons.
This was my inspiration:

The second book I just handed in was a Once in a Lifetime kind of project... Aldous Huxley's only children's book, The Crows of Pearblossom, for Abrams. I still can't quite believe they let me do this. It was an honor and a joy and worth sacrificing my career prospects as a hand model.
Chad Beckerman, self-confessed mild-mannered art director, documented the art handover very nicely on his blog.


  1. you have been EXTREMELY busy!
    I wish I could get my act into gear and finish the book I am working on...SIGH...
    LOVE your work...especially the Crow book! GREATNESS!
    Have a great week...

  2. Sophie!

    I'd never know you were terrified of drawing cars or supermarkets, especially once you look at these wonderful illustrations!


  3. well nobody would guess your fear of cars (mine too) and supermarkets (i want to shop there and examine all those enticing looking products!)--they all look amazing!
    and that cover you've created for the huxley book is INCREDIBLE. you are a genius artist. i wish to be you!

  4. Congratulations Sophie! Both projects look amazing, I especially can't wait to see the Aldous Huxley book.
