Sophie Blackall Illustration

Drawings and Snippets and Breaking News, (but more snippets than breaking news).

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Moving House is Exhausting

Moving house around Christmas time was stupid, but moving while I have six books either due, nearly due or overdue was insane. This picture is not to be relied upon as accurate or even representative. It implies that my house was not heavy, that I had time to iron clothes and that I was smiling. Even the red door is a lie. The neighbours have a red door though, and I have promised the children that one day we too will have a red door. Our door right now is painted "Refried Beans".


Catastrophe Waitress said...

I am all for red doors. Red doors rock. But. Before you get your hopes up, do you think that there might be some kind of Unspoken Street rules regarding just WHO gets to have a red door in the street? What if your neighbour wants to be the only red door, and thinks you should be canary yellow? Or worse. Mustard.

Corinna said...

Always a good idea to project that things are fine, bright, and dandy in the midst of them being chaotic and frustrating. . .because then maybe they'll magically turn to being manageable? Wouldn't that be nice!

Marlon Molina said...

moving is always complicated, but a red door may better things. I like the idea of that door.

Maia said...

We have a red door and I have to tell you that it does indeed add to the general magic of everyday life. In fact, it may have been an actual selling point when we bought our house. Then I painted the kitchen red, and that made things even better.

moving company said...

Agreed. Moving house is really very exhausting and complicated things. I hate to do packing and then unpacking the things. Last time time when I was shifted I was frustrated with it so this time I booked moving company for doing all this work. And I felt very relax.

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Looking points are great, having good sound also..!!

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