Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Featured Seller on Etsy!

I am very happy to be the featured seller on Etsy today and am using the opportunity to clean out some paintings from my studio, and turn them into something I need more. The last time I did this, it was for my daughter's braces, (and lots of you can take credit for individual straight incisors and neatly aligned molars); this time it's in the name of Summer Camp. Who'd have thought my children would want to go far, far away from me into the wild woods? And that it would be so expensive? (In case you're curious, they want to go to BEAM, which looks truly amazing, and I'm sure they will come out better human beings for going there.)
10% of proceeds will also go to our two public schools in Brooklyn, which along with many others have suffered sudden and severe budget cuts. I know it's minor compared to Haiti, but they can't actually afford paper anymore, let alone music or art or visiting authors.
A click on either of the pictures above will take you to Etsy...


  1. ooo, I get to be the first one to congratulate you for being "featured seller"!

    I'm so pleased to have found you, I'm especially besotted with your missed connections works, AND have just spent a good 1/2 hour cracking up at "cake wrecks"! Thanks for the link :D

  2. Sophie!

    I LOVE your illustrations! They are really something special!

    xoxo -- Hilary

  3. Congrats on your feature! Your interview was very sweet & your sense of humor delightful! I'd love to see pics of your papered bathroom walls!

    So sad your schools are out of paper! Craziness! Best of luck with the donations!

  4. WOW...STUNNING...I am in awe of your talent.
    I LOVE this internet WORLD WIDE WEB...what would we do without it.
    Your feature was so inspiring.
    I'm off to visit your missing connections.
    You have made my day...I better get drawing if I wish to illustrate books one day.
    Lovely to meet you...
    You'll probably hear from me have a new Fan!

  5. I'm so thankful for "feature seller" highlights on Etsy, for that's how I found you, and have spent a pleasant evening falling in love with your artwork! Consider yourself bookmarked. xo Amy

  6. Congratulations on being featured seller!
    A truly deserving and talented artist.
    I love your work:)


  7. I love the first picture, very alice in wonderlandish!

  8. I just found your website because you were the featured seller :)

    Love your work!

  9. Congrats on your feature. You work is beautiful.

  10. Good luck with the fundraising! Would you ever consider making a few more handpainted glass lockets to sell in your shop? I only discovered them after they were all sold so long ago...

  11. Hello, I'm maybe late in the game but your artworks are nostalgic (atleast for me). It has this calming effect probably because of the light/pale/fade-ish tones & colors you use. May I ask what are your tools of trade and what are your art influences?

  12. Dear Sophie,

    hello! I stumbled across your art on etsy a few weeks ago and then again today, after browsing some art blogs. I just wanted to write and say hello because i think your art is particularly splendid! (i think your website is also the quaintest i've seen.) As someone who is an aspiring illustrator, and from sydney herself, it's so nice to see where your art has taken you. You are quite the inspiration.
    I will continue to eagerly follow your work.

    x Caitlin.

  13. "I know it's minor compared to Haiti, but they can't actually afford paper anymore, let alone music or art or visiting authors."

    Heartbreaking, really--a so-called 'First World' country that values its future so little that this type of situation is allowed to happen all over major cities, and small ones, as well. (Kids don't have paper in parts of the 5 boroughs, meanwhile hedge fund managers blocks away are collecting bonuses and salaries that would make us all puke). America's priorities are really effed up, pardon my francais.

    Anyway, on a more positive note, you are friggin TALENTED, wow. Your art is so emotional and overwhelming. Your spirit shines through and your kids are blessed to have such a wonderful momma.

    Keep up the awesome work; I don't have kids, but cannot wait to read your books and own them for myself! I don't know what it is, but children's books really tickle me, and who knows, maybe it'll prep me for when/if i have little ones of my own someday.


  14. Very Very Nice. I Love it.

  15. Awesome paintings, Sophie!

    They're both unique in their own right!

