Monday, November 9, 2009

Oh dear, sorry.

It's been rather a long time. I've been a bit consumed with the other blog, and this one has become the overlooked sibling. The homely one, just quietly getting on with its algebra homework, hoping that maybe if it perfects that little curlicue on its letter Y, that someone might one day notice. And be really impressed.
Anyway, I don't have much to offer, except photographs of my apartment on Design Sponge which most people are finding really, really creepy. But the picture of the unforgivable pile of shoes is making everyone feel a lot better about themselves. I consider it a Community Service.


  1. The shoe pile is my absolute favorite! We have a shoe shelf. Not nearly as fun.

  2. The dolly legs are delightfully macabre.

  3. Congrats on the feature! Yours is one of my very favorite sneak peeks - it seems real and lived in and exactly like I would have pictured it would be after looking at your illustrations. You quilt is incredible!

  4. Heh! We have some similar creepiness around our home. You are doing a service indeed in making your peers less embarrassed. Lovely feature.

  5. Hi Sophie,
    I was one of your sister design*sponge sneak peekers and i must admit i wish my house showed a little creepier:) I really love the images of yours. Your illustrations are beautiful as well.
    In appreciation,

  6. "Creepy cozy" is the new shabby chic?!

  7. I have a doll-parts sculpture much like yours & will have to photograph it. I do not find your apartment images creepy, & enjoy both of your wonderful blogs!

  8. what wonderful collections all around your home. i love the color of your bedroom walls.

  9. Your apartment is NOT creepy AT ALL!!! I absolutely love your "odd-collective" decorating sense of style...especially because I share the same likes...old dolls/dolls heads/animal skeletons/horns/vintage pictures/silhouettes. In fact, I just went flea marketing this weekend and came across some great finds! It's great knowing that there's someone else out there that sees the same inspiration/beauty I see in uncommon things.

  10. Just stumbled upon your blog - this peek was one of my favorites! Happy New Year to you!

  11. love your collector sense of beauty ~ best wishes in your new home ~ enjoy making it your own!

  12. I totally cracked up reading the comments. I think it's hilarious. You have such originality and you see beauty in things that others don't. I love it. I think it makes you more awesome.

  13. I hope it's ok with you if I completely copy your mirror wall. It's just so beautiful and I'd love to go hunting for more lovely hand mirrors in junk shops.

    I really love your blog, this one and your missed connections. I just found them today and I think they will become a daily treat!

  14. I stumbled upon the photographs of your home quite randomly- let me just say that it is not the pile of shoes making me feel better. It's knowing that someone else out there has a 'thing' for doll parts, antique bullets, and horns.

  15. Your house reminds me of my ex boyfriends parents place. His mum and sisters are all artists... kinda cooky ones, you may have heard/seen/like Their house is so nice, i love visiting and just looking. Dolls on walls, bones in glass crocheted food on the hall table...

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