Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Whales and Ships and Swallows and Eyes

New things in the Etsy shop! Click on any picture to take you there...


  1. I did already see them yesterday.. sigh, if I weren't so broke at the moment.. :(

  2. preordered a while back the book mika's releasing with his EP, that contains also some artwork of yours. cannot wait to get it. sounds grand! :)

  3. These are beautiful! Especially the one of the girl and the eye. I'll start saving up.

  4. my mother just got me one of those little clear globe necklace charms from mexico -- i went to your etsy site and saw the necklaces are no longer for sale. my mom was eager to put one of your drawings in my necklace anyway, but i wanted to ask permission first. i love your work!

  5. I loved it. It is very beautiful. How did you get it. I am looking for similar kind of pendant for myself..Please tell me. I am very much curious about it.
