Monday, October 20, 2008

Long Shadows

I am no Autumn lover. Oh, yes, I know all the arguments for clear days and crisp evenings and jewel-like leaves and tendrils of woodsmoke, but it's just too, altogether melancholy. Summer is your orgy of pleasure, and Spring is all delightful anticipation, and even Winter can be endured with advice from my 1950s Top Girl encyclopedia of poise, "Smile into a bitter wind; it will set you apart from the other girls!"... but Autumn is all about endings. Beautiful endings that you don't want to end.
On that cheery note, I just found my Summer sketchbook. A few drawings from glorious August.


  1. Oh! These are gorgeous! And they did successful brighten up my gloomy Autumnal thoughts - it's raining and dark outside even though it's only 7pm where I am!
    I took a leaf from your book, as it were, and looked through my Summer sketches but I only found some pitiful drawings of my cousin and some horses.. Must do more artwork next holiday so I can look back in the dreary months!!
    Thanks for these love Sephy xxx

  2. i agree, autumn is so very dreary. Spring is my favorite season!! These drawings are beautiful, i luv them!!

  3. p.s. just saw mika's turn of the little girl . . . . .

  4. I love those clouds, they remind me of a book I had as a child which had "mice-people" in it and lots of clouds that had different shapes, and had their own life....Magical!


  5. I'm a sept. child, so i am an autumn lover.. :D seriously, I have a thing for autumn, whilst i dislike summer, but I love winter. ;)
    there's nothing like colours in autumn, if it's sunny.

    love the watercolours! I got to the blog so late, silly me, had overlooked link.

    random: checked today's response to your drawing on mika's blog.. interesting game!

  6. Being an autumn child myself, like avoca, the season never depressed me for very long. Once I've come to terms with the fact that summer is over, I can see beauty in almost each of the various faces of fall ;o)

    Oh, and I'm so curious to see if letter girl is going to get company in the shape of number boy... Mwhahah!

    Have a nice day!

  7. ^^ lovely skethes!
    Autumn isn't so bad...instead of freezing in the pouring rain or swoosh on the fallen leves you may better enjoy the monotony and solitude of a quiet time at home...and that stimulates your creative mind =]
    mwahaha yeah great justification for the lazy cat that I am XD
    however I just sent 2 drawings for the "let's do an exquisite corpse too" with some of my friends ^^

  8. i totally agree....i hate autumn with all myself. it hasn't got even xmas to cheer it up.
    but i presume it was made to enjoy the rest more.
    love your drawings
